
This blog is churned out(grudgingly) by Avril Korman. I’m a designer, not a design blogger. I’d much rather be designing than talking about it. I tweet publicly at @damnedgoodesign (note the spelling.):

NYC native.

Carbon based.

INTJ poster child.

Designer. <—portfolio is offline for upgrade. If you want to see it, just shoot me an email/IM/tweet.


  1. Wow – this is weird – late at night – playing around on the internet – was looking for an old contact in nyc – names started popping into my head – checked some out – found this and you – assume you remember me – how are you?

  2. That depends. I only know one person named Neil who spells their name that way. If you’re that person, I’ll wait to see if you can prove it.

  3. I see you in your designs. Your talent and passion. My passion for you untamed. I am so proud of you. Just wish I could get hold of you. To hear your voice again…to smell your neck. You will forgive me for trying to buy you a drink the next time I see you…because it will be made of rum!

    • Well you can have the rum. I still don’t drink. I don’t know why you had such trouble getting ahold of me- I’m pretty easily found, and you could have always shot a note off to Chris. Anyway, I’m here, and findable, but the drink’s all yours.

  4. I had the day off and thought, I miss Bronxelf… I need to find her again. So here I am grad to have found you yet again. I will catch up by reading your pages. You’ve always been so talented. I’m still jealous. Low and behold you are a dj! Now I can listen to your station and your shows. Awesome!! bookmarking as we speak!

    • sorry about the typos… this is Synella

  5. Looking for an Avril I used to know up in Boston, lived right next to Comm. ave. Pardon me if you are not her. (Your work is very cool).

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